If you made changes to your site’s PHP initialization file (php.ini or .user.ini) but they aren’t taking effect, use the following information to help resolve the issue.

  1. Make sure you’re using the correct type of PHP initialization file.
  2. Understand your PHP initialization file’s refresh rate:
    Filename Refresh Rate
    php.ini This only updates when a new PHP process is created, e.g. when a new visitor comes to your site. However, refreshing your own site you recently visited does not generate a new PHP process.
    .user.ini By default, the system reads this file every 5 minutes, so there is no need to do anything once you have made your changes.
  3. Try getting the server to recognize the updated file. Which process you use depends on your hosting account’s operating system (more info).
    Type of hosting Process
    cPanel Finalizar procesos de PHP
    Plesk Recycle your application pool
    Web & Classic Linux
    Web & Classic Windows
    WordPress administrado Managed WordPress accounts currently cannot end their Web or PHP processes. Because of this, you cannot easily refresh your PHP settings if you use php.ini, which drives our recommendation to use .user.ini files.

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